Friday, April 19, 2013

High Five for Friday!

High Five for Friday!

I've been following a two blogs for a little while now because I love their style, beauty, and easy readability:

Each Friday they post about five things that brought them joy throughout the week.  What a beautiful thing!  So here are my top five:

1.  Starting from the top left - that is my husband and I.  You might as well get used to seeing his handsome face.  Not a week goes by where he doesn't make me happy!

2.  Top right - That's my dog, Madison, and our housemate's cat, Porkchop.  It took about 6 months, but these two are now pretty close friends.  Anytime I can get them in the same picture, you can bet that picture will go up on Fridays.

3.  Bottom left - My first Birchbox!  I promise to post soon about what is in it.  It is a good one!

4.  Bottom right - A beautiful San Diego, CA day!  High 75 degrees.  Love.

5.  I didn't have a picture for restarting my blog.  What fun this has been!

How was your week?

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