Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Birchbox

When it comes to beauty products, I'm always looking for the perfect product at the best price.  Therefore, I love samples.  I'm too cheap to try the newest creams at full price.  I only purchase Clinique items during the bonus buy time because I am always excited to see what samples they will provide.

A company called Birchbox (www.birchbox.com) is, therefore, perfect for me!  For 10 dollars a month, they deliver to my door a box of samples.  You can purchase the full sized products at www.birchbox.com after you have had a chance to try the products and decide if you like them.  I got my first Birchbox earlier this month (they build some anticipation into the product as you have to request the opportunity to buy a Birchbox--I was very lucky and only had to wait two weeks).

Here is what came in my box:

This month, Birchbox teamed up with Women's Health to create a box.

Let's start with what I have not tried yet.  I have not tried the Divine Oil or the Elizabeth Arden cleansing trio.  Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how to use the oil (if you know, please leave me some tips in the comments).  I'm saving the cleansing trio for the next time I travel.

What I've tried and loved:

Ojon Deep Conditioner - I used it over the weekend and my hair felt smooth and silky.  My hair is not very dry, so I think I'll use this once a month for nourishment.  When my sample is gone, it is definitely possible that I will buy the full product.  

Supergood! Advanced eye cream - I love that this product has SPF 40 in it.  It's a little thicker than the eye cream I am used to  (I've been using the Philosophy Miracle Worker).  I'll need to keep using it before I can decide if this is my new eye cream.  

What I liked but am not in love with (at least not yet):

Juice Beauty - Stem Cellular Repair CC cream - This is a tinted cream.  It went on fairly thick.  My face felt like it was caked while wearing it.  I'll give it another chance, but the first impression was not great.  

Hail Merry - Chocolate Macaroons - these are vegan and gluten-free which means I did not feel guilty eating them.  They tasted good, but I could tell they were vegan and gluten-free.  They had coconut in them, which was not advertised anywhere on the packaging (though I supposed it is listed in the ingredients).  I liked the coconut, but my roommate did not.  They texture was a little grainy, which I'm sure is because it was vegan.  I'm happy I tried these, but I probably will not be ordering the full product.

I can't wait for my next Birchbox!  Do you get a Birchbox?  What did you get in yours this month?

Friday, April 26, 2013

High Five for Friday - 4/26/13

High Five for Friday!

What a week!  I don't know about you, but I am ready for the weekend.  I need time to relax and get something done for myself (I was so busy, I apologize for the lack of posts this week). 

Here's what made me smile this week:
1.  Top left - My housemate, Jessica, is planning her wedding.  We spent the weekend bridal shopping.  This picture was taken at a Brides Against Breast Cancer benefit.  It was a great time!

2.  Top right - Jessica treated me to a delightful dessert from Wilson Creek Winery: the Chocolate shot.  Yes, that's a dark chocolate shot glass filled with port and champagne.  It's fabulous!

3.  Bottom left - How cute are these bride and groom wine cork cake toppers?  (They can be found at the Wilson Creek Winery.)

4.  Bottom Right - My friend Alex celebrated his birthday this week.  Happy Birthday, Alex!!!

5.  Center - A new season of Arrested Development will be on Netflix starting May 26th.  My family has rewatched the original series and we are ready for more!  Thank you, Entertainment Weekly, for your fabulous articles.  

*In case anyone ever asks, I am currently not making any money on this blog.  Thus, all my thoughts and opinions are bias free.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Arbonne Primer

I have recently re-ignited my love for beauty products.  In the past, I have been a Mark. representative and a Mary Kay associate.  (I enjoyed selling beauty products, but have found that I was always my best customer.  What can I say.  I always have to have every eye shadow color.)  While these companies may not be perfect, I love that when I purchase an item from one of these companies I feel that I am contributing directly to the person I am purchasing it from.

Here is a picture of the products I use in my current make-up routine:

I enjoy all of these products, but I am not married to the brand for all.  For example, the Ulta colors are the closest I could come to an eye shadow duo of Clinique's that I was wearing every day but wanted at a less expensive price.  However, one product where I am married to the brand is from the company Arbonne.  It is the Arbonne Make-up primer (it's under the Arbonne Cosmetics Face section).

I started using this product about two weeks ago and I fell in love!  This nutrient rich primer gives me that "perfect skin" that until now I only saw on TV and never in my mirror.  Here is what I look like at the end of the day and under harsh lighting:

*Looks* like I have not a blemish, right?  I cannot say enough about the quality of this primer.  The primer is almost gel like - but a very soft and not a cold gel.  It's unlike any other product I have ever tried.  My face feels softer after using the product for just two weeks.

If you're in San Diego and in need of an Arbonne Consultant, please contact Shelley Perkins.  She can tell you all about Arbonne and promotions they have for new customers.  Her digital business card is below.  Let her know you heard about her through me :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

High Five for Friday!

High Five for Friday!

I've been following a two blogs for a little while now because I love their style, beauty, and easy readability:


Each Friday they post about five things that brought them joy throughout the week.  What a beautiful thing!  So here are my top five:

1.  Starting from the top left - that is my husband and I.  You might as well get used to seeing his handsome face.  Not a week goes by where he doesn't make me happy!

2.  Top right - That's my dog, Madison, and our housemate's cat, Porkchop.  It took about 6 months, but these two are now pretty close friends.  Anytime I can get them in the same picture, you can bet that picture will go up on Fridays.

3.  Bottom left - My first Birchbox!  I promise to post soon about what is in it.  It is a good one!

4.  Bottom right - A beautiful San Diego, CA day!  High 75 degrees.  Love.

5.  I didn't have a picture for restarting my blog.  What fun this has been!

How was your week?

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jury Duty

For the past four weeks I have had the privilege and honor to serve as a jury member on a civil trial.  It truly was a fascinating experience.  I left with a new good friend and a true appreciation of the American legal system (as well as lawyers and paralegals).  

The case went like this:

Plaintiff:  two general managers from Coco's bakery/restaurant
Defense:  Catalina Restaurant Group (owner's of Coco's/Carrows)

The plaintiff's asserted that they were inappropriately classified as exempt employees and as such they deserved overtime pay, meal time compensation, and damages for incorrect pay stubs.  

This meant that the defense actually had the burden of proof.  They had to prove that the position was correctly classified AND that each plaintiff actually performed their jobs as exempt employees.  

After a long and grueling process that literally had friends testifying against friends, people crying on the stand, and the testimony of multiple experts, the jury ultimately decided that the defense did prove the correct classification and so no additional pay was required.

After the trial, some of the lawyers stayed to talk with the jury members who were willing to have a conversation.  This part of the experience was the most eye opening.  This is when I learned what key pieces of information had been held back from the trial.  What I learned told me that if I had been given ALL of the evidence, my job as a juror would have been more clear and still harder.  

The trial ended up coming down to sympathy on the side of the plaintiff but hard evidence on the side of the defense.  With the additional evidence I heard about, I know I would have felt even more sympathy for the plaintiffs and even more clear evidence on the side of the defense.  Which I think means the judge did a very good job determining what evidence was admissible.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The heart of the runner

Like many, I was greatly affected by the news of the bombing at the Boston Marathon.  I quickly learned I had a best friend who had an immediate family member who might be in harm's way - who we could not immediately contact to confirm was safe.  Then, when I blessedly learned that the family member was safe, I felt immediately elated.  This was quickly followed by guilt because I knew there are others who did lose loved ones or whose loved ones were severly harmed.

I knew I wanted to respond. I thought about writing a prayer. I thought about writing a poem. I also thought about breaking down in tears or screaming into the world at those who would set off the bombs. I saw a lot of those similar responses on Facebook, which made me smile. It fulfilled my need to respond in these ways but that left me with a question about how I personally should respond.

Then I went for a run.

I wasn't conscious of the defiance built into this very act. I just knew I would gain clarity through a run.

I had one of my better runs (yay!). During my run I thought about those runners; the best of the best. A group I have no expectation that I will ever join. A group of people that have struggled, perservered, failed, and succeeded in life. A group that as a whole sustains funding for numerous charities (like the Boston Marathon).

The heart it takes to be a good runner is something that has always impressed me. Here is what I mean by heart:  Each runner has undergone training that can only be described as time consuming and strictly regimented and through this training they have learned to care for themselves and make a difference in the world.  Through this training, they have had to struggle with themselves.  In the middle of a run, different muscles would ache or cramp and they had to decide to slow down, quit, or keep running.  The better they can balance pushing through the discomfort or listening to that particular pain, the healthier they are.  Most of the official runs they attempt to qualify for the Boston Marathon are charities.  Almost every runner I know has that one cause that they promote the most and that motivates them to keep going - whether that is MS, AIDS, a specific cancer, or other noteworthy charitable cause.  While they may have started running for personal reasons, what keeps them running is the cause.

What was your response to these tragic events?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Yet another re-start ....

Whoa!  It's been over a year since I last wrote a blog post.  Even I'm a little surprised by that gap in time.  However, I don't care to give any excuses, to belabor the point, or come anywhere close to discussing it.  Of course, if you'd like to talk to me about it - I'd be happy to talk about it with you.

I have a new vision for this post.  It's inspired by the different blogs that I've been following lately.  Here are a few such blogs:

(I don't know what the rules are about publishing links to other people's blogs.  Can I do that without their permission?  Well, hopefully they do not have any problems being connected with me as only half of those bloggers actually know me personally.  Please note here that imitation, even a bad imitation, is the sincerest form of flattery.)

So, my blog posts, (which I hope to do a bit more regularly ... anything will be more regular than the past - a nice and easy place to start from) will now be focused on my goal of sharing my knowledge/experiences with you in a way that can start to make the world just a little bit better.  This is a big statement that I am sure I will unpack in the days/weeks to come.

And so ... I start:

I should preface this by saying I cannot take credit for finding what I am about to share with you.  I was introduced to this by my housemate and amazing friend, Jessica Dunham.

I want to tell you all about the workout class that kicks my butt every time I go:  The Dailey Method.

The Dailey Method is a full body workout that combines elements of pilates, ballet, and yoga.  It was started by a woman named Jill Dailey.  Each class is focused on leaning and toning the body while maintaining proper body alignment.  This means that this class can be done safely by anyone:  those who have been told that due to injuries they should not do cardio, those who are pregnant, and those who just want a class that will challenge every muscle group.

The Dailey Method San Diego is an amazing organization.  The gym is run by a woman named Ashley Allison.  Ashley has a vision for The Dailey Method San Diego that extends beyond the walls of the gym.  The Dailey Method San Diego is a business that is a living example of the "small business model" that you want to see thrive.  For example:  Ashley has a heart for non-profit work.  She is always seeking out new ways to work with other small business owners to promote a cause.  Another example:  The front desk is managed by ambassadors who are all paid in free classes.  (If you get addicted and you're interested in becoming an ambassador, talk to Ashley about any available shifts or opportunities.)  

If you're in San Diego, I highly encourage you check it out.  Go to the website, check out the facebook page, or just stop by the gym.  While this business was started by a woman and is managed by a woman, it is not only for women.  My husband has taken the class and thoroughly enjoyed it.  The first class is only $10.00.  I warn you - one class is all it takes to get addicted.  The class seems so simple at first, then your muscles are shaking before it is over, and then the next day you know your muscles are rebuilding.  It's a great feeling!  

The Dailey Method is not only in San Diego.  If you're outside of San Diego, I encourage you to see if there is a Dailey Method gym in your area.  Your body will thank you!