Hello everyone!
It has literally been years since I have published to this blog. I started this blog at a time when my life had changed so beautifully drastically that I wasn't sure how to define who I was - who I am. I posted inconsistently for years - sharing random thoughts and sometimes dabbling in becoming a fashion blog or a book blog or trying to find another niche that might be of interest or intrigue or would otherwise increase my readership/engagement.
If I'm 100% honest with you - my life is at another place where I'm struggling to define who I am. Parts of what I can only call my "assumed identity" are in question/flux/on delay and I find myself feeling as I did back when I started this blog.
You may wonder what I mean by "assumed identity." It's a term I'm making up. I'm a psychologist by training and, let's be honest, much like the philosophy we stemmed from, we make up our own language as we go along. My "assumed identity" is the identity I projected in to the future. I may not have even been aware that I was projecting a future image of myself, but as I age I bump up against these things that I assumed I would do in my future and while I consciously never gave whatever that was an age - it somehow matters NOW that I'm not fulfilling that image. When I notice that I'm feeling this way, I realize that I can internalize everything I'm feeling - or I can share it. It's through the sharing that my life is enhanced.
I'm also re-starting this blog because I need an outlet for my voice. I simply can no longer remain silent. I need an outlet that is larger than 140 characters (or whatever number of characters twitter allows now). An outlet where I can think things through, an outlet where I can say how disappointed I am in the President of the United States and his twitter feed. An outlet where I can say how disappointed I am in the "Christian Church" for where it continues to exclude and stays too silent on issues of justice for all. An outlet where I can highlight where I see that Christians and/or non-Christians are doing the work of bringing heaven to earth now. An outlet to share with you my addictions, my creative outlets, my life. I'll be doing all the things that the experts tell me I shouldn't do - I'm not going to focus on a niche - I'm just going to post things that mean something to me.
So prepare for snark. Prepare for analysis. Prepare for randomness. And if you get a moment to drop a line - to tell me that you're here - I'd love to hear from you!
So much love to you all,
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