Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 2

Don't forget - we lose an hour of sleep tonight!

Daily Bible: November 2

Scripture read today: Mark 14:53-65; Matthew 26:57-68; Mark 14:66-72; Matthew 26:69-75; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:25-27; Mark 15:1; Matthew27:1-2; Luke 22:66-71; Matthew 27:3-10

Jesus is sentenced to death. Peter denies Jesus not once, not twice, but three times. Lastly, Judas hangs himself.

Big words - words directly from the mouth of Jesus - are what ultimately serve as the sentence to death for Jesus. However, what struck me was how hard the government worked to find reason to sentence Jesus to death. They brought in all these liars to come up with good reasons to kill him. The problem with liars is that they were eventually caught in their lie. It made me wonder - if the liars had done a better job, would Jesus have spoken to say that he would be seated at the right hand of the father? In other words, was Jesus forced to say what he did because he knew it would be inflammatory enough to get what he was looking for - a death sentence?

Can you imagine what that situation must have been like? Imagine a modern-day courtroom. You're being charged with murder and it comes with a death sentence. The prosecution has presented their case and it is riddled with holes. They have no case. Yet, you know you are guilty. Do you present the court with the evidence of your guilt? Or, do you say to yourself "they didn't do their job well" and take the not guilty verdict?

Now, of course, we have the modern benefit of understanding the full story of Jesus and the resurrection. And we can only assume that Jesus understood what was to happen to. That being said - Jesus is in the above situation. His "get out of jail free card" was presented to him - no one could even lie well enough to create a case against him! He could have walked away. He does not do this though, he gives them the case and is handed the "guilty" verdict.

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